Thursday, 17 September 2015

Market Stall Overall Concept

Homework: Solidify your concepts for your overall market stall and products/packaging. Create a group presentation for next week (PPT or PDF) to show the class and your tutors for feedback. Presentations will be approx. 5- 10 mins. and need to give an overall concept of your brand, stall, individual products and packaging. For your blog entry you can upload a link to the presentation and a brief overview of your brand (1 paragraph).

My brand is going to be a minimalist collection of IPhone case designs. The aim of these IPhone cases is to capture a wide audience consisting of teenagers to adults and of both genders.
My designs will be a series of creative and abstract pieces created by me. These images are not mine, they are just an example as to what I will be aiming for in my designs.

 White is a very important aspect to minimalist designs, I will use this consistence throughout all of my designs so that they look like a product which has meaning and depth to it. Rather than my designs just being random patters on whatever surfaces.

As for packaging I want to immerse the customers in the IPhone cases. The method I will use to convey this appeal will be through the appearance and display of the product. When customers walk by my product they will see a finished clean and crisp IPhone design with packaging that respects the same elements.

With packaging my design I want to package my IPhones in a cardboard box with a cut-out in the centre region (either a square or a circle). The cut-out will then be filled with a simple sheet of plastic from which the design on the IPhone case will be displayed. Something similar to this image.

To add to the depth of my product I will also be engineering some IPhone docks where phones can be displayed to play music. The overall design of the wooden phone docks will be simple and varnished a soil brown colour to slightly contrast the plain white of the phone cases.

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